Quintorigo & Roberto Gatto Around Zappa




A sincere, philological and experimental thanksgiving to Frank Zappa. Not merely a tribute concert or live-concept. A monographic work, accurate in its theatrical and scenographic details, an entertaining opportunity for everybody to know and rediscover Zappa’s universe.
It’s impossible to sum up briefly the countless influences in Zappa’s music, just as so many are the musicians who adopted (sometimes unconsciously) something precious from him. Among these are Quintorigo.
Critics had already found in Quintorigo’s music an evident Zappianic code almost as a priori and obsessive forma mentis. The show is also an emotional and instinctive performance, an exquisite and tasty selection from Zappa’s works which will lead us to gorge on his discography, stodgy dishes included.
Working on Zappa’s music has always been a project in embryo. Thanks to Roberto Gatto all this came true. Gatto, outstanding star of Italian and international jazz with renowned career, since forever harboring an unrestrained passion for Zappa, invited Quintorigo to bring about this beautiful idea together. Thankful and eager the band accepted. Coming out soon the album “Around Zappa”.
The live show playlist begins with instrumentals such as Uncle Meat and Peaches En Regalia. Moris Pradella joins the band singing Cosmik Debris, Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow, Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up King Kong, Big Swifty, Igor’s Boogie, Village Of The Sun. The beautiful Uncle Remus is introduced by the violin of Andrea Costa while Gionata Costa at the cello leads the melanchonic Black Napkins, making good use of effects to convey the charisma of an electric guitar enriched by the expressiveness of the cello. And an end with a bang, playing Echidna’s Arf (Of You) e Zomby Woof.
Quintorigo and Roberto Gatto approach Zappa with refined arrangements still respecting the essence of the original songs, reread with personal sounds, exquisite textures and unrestrained experimental trend, mark of Quintorigo since their beginning. With Roberto Gatto, Quintorigo prove once again themselves distinguished musicians, gaining without reserve the passionate audience’s approval. “Around Zappa” is not to be missed by Zappa’s fans and recommended for everyone.

Roberto Gatto, drums
Moris Pradella, voice